Keeping your car keys – and by extension, your vehicle – protected isn’t just a matter of property security – it’s also essential to your safety and those of strangers. Here’s a guide from the automotive locksmith experts here at King Locksmith Charleston on how to keep your car keys secure at all times.
Essential Car Security Tips
- Never leave your car keys unattended – even when at work or a house party, as someone can always secretly grab your keys.
- Leave spare car keys at home in a safe area that you will remember rather than fixing them to someone else to hold, or keeping them inside your car. Thieves know that people often keep spare keys inside or magnetized to the outside of their vehicles – saving car thieves a ton of work! Most car thieves also know about key boxes that can be hidden on the underside of your vehicle, and it will often be the first place they look to get the keys from.
- When leaving your home without your car make sure you don’t leave your car keys on top of a counter or just hanging next to a door, because a home burglar can then easily find your car keys and make a quick getaway. Keep car keys in a spot that wouldn’t be obvious to a thief.
- Make sure your garage door is locked when you park your car – as well as your car doors. People often don’t leave their garages locked, and thieves can easily enter them in this case, and even enter your car and take out any valuables – if not drive away with the car! Many people leave their wallets inside their cars when parked – a big mistake, as it effectively hands thieves over your credit cards and cash.
- If you’re parking your car outdoors overnight, park as close to a bright light as possible. It’s worth the extra walk if need be, as car thieves often prefer to break into cars under cover of darkness.
- If your car has a sunroof, make sure it’s totally closed and locked before you leave your car. This also applies to convertible cars, as an unlocked car top allows thieves the chance to check your car for valuables without any problems.
- Don’t leave valuables – like phones, laptops, or other electronics – on your car seat, as it provides a temptation for thieves to break your car window to grab any valuables they see. Don’t leave any valuables inside your car when you’re not inside it.